Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Stupid People

You know, I never cease to be amazed at the stupidity of the general population when it comes to the pets they "love".

A recent posting on the bulletin board asks for a new home for a 7 year old kitty. Kitty got along great with the older dogs they had/have, but the new, younger dogs that the owner's brought home are just stressin' poor kitty out wayyyy too much. Therefore, Kitty needs to go. It's not fair to poor Kitty to be upset all the time and therefore she needs a better home than the one she's known all of her 7 year life. Does it ever occur to people that the damn cat lived there first and to get rid of the damn new dogs that are causing the problem??? Apparently not or the sign wouldn't be on our bulletin board.

Then there's the baby kitty that got adopted out from the hospital and came back two weeks after moving to her new home. The owner suddenly realized that she's never seen the poor baby eat AT ALL!!! Mind you, this is after TWO WEEKS!!! A now 8-week old kitten that hasn't eaten in two weeks is an extremely pitiful and heart wrenching sight. The poor thing is literally skin, bones and fur.
Honestly, I will be truly surprised if the creature will live. If it does, it will be solely based on the love and dedication of one of our staff who takes her home every nite and force feeds her kitty formula every 4 hours. The kitty comes back in the morning to be weighed and evaluated and observed for the day.
Now mind you, if the owner never checked to see if the poor thing ate, who thinks the baby even got so much as a second glance while there? Imagine, taken from her mother and siblings to a strange home and then left alone, ignored and starved damn near to death.

Then there's the 9 year old dog that was never spayed, in a home with a male that was never neutered. The end result was three still born puppies, an emergency hysterectomy and a question about survival. Just counting cash alone, had the owner's originally paid the "lofty" price for a spay and neuter, they would have come out cheaper and with a more likely chance at survival for the female.

More and more I prefer to hang out with the furry friends than the humans entrusted with their care. I wonder if I'll ever get used to ridiculous things like this...probably not. And come to think of it, I hope I never do. In my opinion, it would be a sign that I no longer cared and I hope that never happens.

Sane owner of healthy critters.


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